I’ve been talking about it for a while now, but I’m excited to say that Another Sky is almost here! This collection of bonus tracks and remixes is coming out awesome. I’m hoping to finish it sometime in August and then figure out how I want to release it. You can finally see the album cover up above (featuring an excellent photo by the lovely Gina Mizzoni Photography). So what’s included on this release?
As of the time of this writing the album will include eight songs that didn’t make it onto An Unseen Sky (maybe more if I decide to include a song or two that really wasn’t made for it but I might add anyway), and four remixes from some amazing musician friends of mine. The remixers so far are Gary Goblins, Quoth, Lady Hectic, and Ron Rierson. I’ll be posting a blog post after the release with more info about all of the remixers, but you can click each of their names to check out their Facebook pages.
The bonus songs are either tracks that weren’t finished in time, or I just didn’t feel fit the overall vibe of An Unseen Sky. Make no mistake… There is some awesome stuff on here. Those of you who heard my last B-Sides & Remixes collection, Further Into The Dark (the companion piece for my last album, Echoes In The Dark) know that the tracks are of the same quality and if you like my music, you’ll love this stuff.
If you were around for the last album and Further Into The Dark, you’ll also remember that these B-Sides & Remixes albums are FREE. That’s right. If you purchased the CD version of An Unseen Sky you will be getting a completely free download of Another Sky! I’ll also be setting up some other kinds of promotions to get Another Sky onto your hard-drives, but no matter what, I won’t be charging you to hear it (I do want to have some qualifiers for getting it, like supporting a promotion or having already bought the album, at least at first, so it’s not just some random free thing floating around the internet haha!).
Oh and one more thing… Now that I’ve got Another Sky on the way, and Further Into The Dark has been around for well over a year… I’m excited to announce that I’ve decided to make Further Into The Dark available for EVERYBODY. “Buy it” for FREE at http://davidrosen.bandcamp.com or just check it out right here:
So that’s the news from me for now… It’s time to go back to work. I’m expecting word back on some more film fests, I’m working on some 48 Hour Film Projects (a blog post will be written about that in the next couple weeks), I’m getting ready to release my next music video for the track “Never,” and I’m about to go camping… If I make it back alive, it’s time to finish Another Sky.
– David