The end of the year is always super busy for me but wow, this is has been cool. What am I up to?

Well if you’ve been following my Facebook Page you know plenty about what I’ve been up to, so this is like a recap, with probably a few added bonus items you may have not heard about yet.

First of all, I’ve been scoring Douglas Farra’s Vitamin Z web-series. It’s a great show and you can watch the whole thing on Youtube. Go check it out. I’m also working on the score for his short film “A Moral Discord” which will premiere at the Pollygrind Film Festival. We’ve also got some other stuff in store which I’ll be revealing soon.

And speaking of Pollygrind… Both “Lights In The Sky” and its follow-up “Whirlwind” are Official Selections at this year’s Pollygrind Film Festival in October! The World Premiere of “Whirlwind” will be Sunday, October 13th at 6:00pm and the screening of “Lights In The Sky” will be Friday, October 25th at 6:00pm.

Pollygrind Official Selection

And that’s not all… “Lights In The Sky” is also an Official Selection at the Laughlin International Film Festival. I haven’t gotten a set date yet for the screening, but I’ll be sure to update everyone when I find out.


Also this past weekend, The Shade Tree of Las Vegas had a viewing party for their new PSA featuring magician Lance Burton and music by yours truly. It’ll be up online for everyone to see in October and I’ll update this post with a link when it’s up. I’m honored to have gotten a chance to work on something that’s for such a great cause, and I got to meet Lance Burton, who was a really nice guy (there’s a picture on my Facebook page).  Please make sure to check The Shade Tree out and if you can, donate. It’s a great cause.

I’ve got more stuff happening too, but this blog post has gone on long enough and like I said, I’m busy! Actually, if you’re reading this the day I posted it, then tonight you can catch me on Corey Taylor Talks at 7pm… Click the link for details on how to watch LIVE on USTREAM… Or listen at its regular time on, Thursday, September 26 at 6pm.  Oh yea, AND I’ll be posting my first product-review blog soon, which should hopefully be a recurring thing on this site. I’m going to try out some new music software and write my thoughts on it along with a brand new piece of music featuring that software. Could be fun and interesting. OK now this blog post is really done…

Wait… Also, if you haven’t already, make sure to check out the album “Echoes In The Dark” which is available now! Links to purchase can be found on the album page.

OK that’s it… Thanks for listening.
