After more than 10 years of delays, “Who Wants Din Din?” the debut album by The Pup Pups is finally coming out this summer! 16 songs about snacks and toys and crazy cats and butt kicking… Plus some surprises. We’re finally putting this thing out! Like the Chinese Democracy of albums about dogs and cats, this opus of pet rock anthems is finally ready for you and your pup pups to enjoy.


I am adding a special bonus track to the album that YOUR pup pup (dog or cat) can be a part of. To be a part of the album, I have set up a special pre-order link on Bandcamp. Once you do your pre-order a copy of the limited edition CD, email me or message me on Facebook, or wherever you want to get ahold of me and tell me your furry friend’s name. They will be a part of this album in a special way. (And if you don’t want to order it online, just message me and we can set this offer up in person too, either way works for me because I want all of your pup pups to be a part of this special track).

You can pre-order online TWO ways.

Bandcamp! Of course the limited edition CD will be available at Bandcamp like all cool rock bands with songs about dogs and cats. Buy a copy. Send me your pet’s name. They’re in!

The second way is to Paypal me $13 ($10 + $3 shipping) at the above link (and if you want more than one copy you can do $10 x however many you want and just add the $3 for shipping). Make sure you include your pet’s name so I can include them on the special track!

If you want to set up another way to get in on this without the first two methods… Just get in touch with me and we’ll set something up. I want your pup to be a part of this project, so we’ll make it work!

Now that that announcement is out there and you’ve pre-ordered your copy and gotten your pet into the bonus track… What’s the deal with The Pup Pups?

For 15 years now, while working on music for films, putting out albums of instrumental music, producing podcasts and everything else that I’ve been doing, I’ve had this project on the back burner. Every year or two I’d pick up the guitar and start figuring out these silly little songs about (and in some cases, sung by) my dogs and cats. Most of the melodies and ideas were too difficult for me to actually record because quite frankly, I’m not a great guitar player. Some of them came out pretty much perfect right away. Some of them have had years of false starts until one day, just like that, the proper chords and melodies translated from my head to the recording. In 2019 it looked like I was finally going to have something to release, and then The Sadie Pup got sick.

Sadie was the main inspiration behind the first songs I started making for The Pup Pups. How could I release an album of music without her? Fenix was already gone, and we love Fenix, but he wasn’t the star of the show like Sadie and her brother Harvey were. Then Sadie was gone and Harvey got sick. We thought for sure we were going to lose him, but he got better (and is doing great!), and then Lily Bear got sick and passed. Along the way the band picked up some new members with Trudy, Millie and Neoguri. But the only surviving members of the original lineup were Harvey and me. Does it even make sense to release The Pup Pups album at this point, 15 years after it all began?

Of course it does! These songs rule! And Harvey is still here, kickin’ butt and demanding snackerinos! And his Dad has finally put the finishing touches on this long in the works album of silly songs.

I’m aiming for the album release date to be July 1st if all goes well (this way you can play the album loud and drown out the sound of fireworks to keep your pup pups calm on the 4th of July). Even if it takes an extra week or so though, the album is finally done and it’s finally time to release it. We’ll be putting out a few music videos too and maybe even a couple of extra singles after the album release, so look forward to more The Pup Pups news and then we’ll get back to more David Rosen music soon enough.

The Pup Pups

David Rosen is an award-winning music composer. He composes original music for films, commercials, jingles, video-games and all other kinds of media projects. He has a vast music library of original tracks available for licensing and is also available for custom compositions. Contact him on the ABOUT page for pricing and availability for your next project.