Alright, quick little blog post for today because my to-do list for this week says “Make Blog Post” …
1) I totally forgot to post something about my trip to Sundance Composers Lab in LA last month. It was such a great time, I got to meet lots of cool people, fellow composers, and if you’ve been following my Facebook, you know also Thomas Newman & Clint Mansell (such cool people). What an experience. Very very cool. I learned a lot and it just further reinforced my love of making music and desire for this to be my long-term career.
2) My album. It’s coming along! It would be done by now if I wasn’t getting all these little composing jobs and stuff, but you know what, I’m gonna need money to launch the thing, so I might as well take all the work I can get, right? Plus I love doing it! How about a new little tidbit about the album? It’s not gonna be just one album. Blow your mind? Just you wait…
3) E3. Next week. Oh my god. I can’t freaking wait. The last time I went was 7 years ago (the year the Nintendo Wii was unveiled) and back then I wasn’t really totally serious about this career path. I basically went just to play games and maybe mention that I’m a composer to a few people. Now I consider myself to be a working composer, and you better believe that after 4 days at E3, I’m leaving with some contacts! And I’ll probably play a whole lot of games too (haha).
4) Las Vegas IndieMeet is this weekend. Aside from helping out with music for a couple friends of mine’s films, I’m also going to debut the video for “Lights In The Sky” off my upcoming album (I honestly don’t remember if I already told you all that I was making a video for that song… if I did, well cool, if I didn’t… cats out of the bag! Get excited!). I still have some editing to do on it, so I won’t be posting it for all of YOU to see for another couple weeks probably, but hopefully after showing it to some of my friends and peers, I’ll get some good feedback to make it better…
5) One of the films I scored recently called “Stranded” won 2nd place at the Mitten Movie Project Film Festival! Congrats to everyone who worked hard on the film. I’m looking forward to hopefully working with them again. And speaking of which…
6) The biggest news of all… My new composing reel! If you haven’t seen it yet, just head back to the homepage of this site… It’s right in the center of the screen! You seriously can’t miss it. And a clip of “Stranded” is included in the reel, so definitely be sure to check it out and see that and some of the other work I’ve done over the past few years. There’s some really great stuff in there and I’m really proud of the work displayed in the reel.
Thanks for reading. Wish me luck with all the stuff I’m doing over the next week. I’ll be back soon.
– David