by davidrosen | Dec 4, 2017 | Echoes In The Dark, Old Blog, Projects
2018 is coming, and “Secrets,” my new single, is the first release of the next phase of my career. You can get it on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play Music, Spotify or any other digital music source. I’m sort of...
by davidrosen | May 16, 2017 | ... Like Ashes, Old Blog, Stuff
It has been a nice break, let me tell you. A few good naps… I beat The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, watched a ton of movies, hung out with friends, cleaned my house, relaxed, thought about future plans, and did all kinds of other stuff. And now,...
by davidrosen | Mar 13, 2017 | ... Like Ashes, Head Like Fire, Old Blog, Projects
After An Unseen Sky, it took me over half a year to finish the companion album Another Sky. But I’m so excited to announce that that is definitely not the case this time around. The collection of B-Sides & Remixes from Head Like Fire is now here and...
by davidrosen | Feb 2, 2017 | ... Like Ashes, Old Blog, Projects
Now that Head Like Fire is out… what’s next for me? Well I’ll tell you (in no particular order because really, who knows)… … Like Ashes – My upcoming free bonus album will be called … Like Ashes and like Further Into The Dark...
by davidrosen | Dec 31, 2016 | Head Like Fire, Old Blog, Stuff
It’s that time of year again. “Best of lists” here we go! Actually this year I kind of got lazy and just did 2 lists… One is a list of every theatrically released movie I saw, in order from best to worst. And two is a list of other stuff I...